Bretty Boop is a unique beer resulting from a collaboration between Brasserie des Légendes and Brasserie de la Senne. This limited edition beer combines traditional Belgian brewing techniques with modern innovations.
Bretty Boop is a red beer with an alcohol content of 6.2%. It is brewed with Brettanomyces yeast, which provides a unique taste and an evolving flavor profile as the beer ages.
The flavor profile of Bretty Boop is fruity and refreshing. The Brettanomyces yeast adds a complex and funky character, giving the beer a distinctive and original taste.
The ingredients of Bretty Boop are:
Bretty Boop was created through a collaboration between Brasserie des Légendes and Brasserie de la Senne. Brasserie des Légendes, located in Ath and Ellezelles, is known for its terroir and folklore in Picardy Wallonia. Brasserie de la Senne from Brussels has built an excellent reputation based on quality and consistency. This collaboration has resulted in a beer that combines the expertise of Brett yeasts and barley cultivation from both breweries.
Bretty Boop is best served at a temperature between 8°C and 12°C. This ensures that the complex flavors and aromas are fully appreciated.