Castle Malting Pale Ale malt 7-10 EBC 5 kg
Light-coloured Belgian base malt. Kilned up to 90-95°C.
Usually used as a base malt or combined with Pils malt to achieve a richer malt flavour and additional colour. This malt is darker in colour and can add a golden hue to the wort.
To produce amber and bitter beers, it is used with strong yeasts. Castle Malting Pale Ale malt is kilned longer and is usually better modified, providing a more pronounced flavour than Pils malt. The enzymatic activity of Castle Malting Pale Ale malt supports the use of non-enzymatic specialty malts, even in large proportions. Contains gluten.
Pale ale styles and bitter beers, most traditional English beer styles. Up to 100% of the mix.
Malt should be stored in a clean, cool (< 22°C) and dry (< 35% RH) area.