Belgomalt Pure Local Pilsen 2.5 - 4.5 EBC 5 kg
High quality malted barley grown on healthy local soils. Each kernel of this malt grew on local soils. Together with motivated local farmers, Belgomalt is bringing brewing barley back to the Belgian soils. Local sourcing is key. Contains gluten.
With Pure Local, Belgomalt steps away from the French grain exchange prices. Belgomalt gives their farmers a substantial premium so that these are assured of their price for several years and can structurally build on the growth of malting barley on their fields.
They use this premium to invest in the transition to regenerative agriculture practices. In a period of three years they can change their fields from conventional to regenerative. In doing so, they protect the soil, promote biodiversity and capture more CO2 than they emit.
A fully regenerative field can remove up to 2 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare per year from the air. This is +/- 20% of the annual emissions of an average Belgian. Per 5 hectares of fully regenerative field, the CO2 emissions of 1 Belgian are thus neutralized.